Ats-Tanner Sistemas De Enfajado S.A.

TruePaper now also available with more than 50% recycled paper

TruePaper banding paper is now also available with at least 50% recycled paper. This makes TruePaper even more environmentally friendly and flexible to use.



TruePaper is an environmentally sustainable paper strip, which can be sealed by ultrasound or heat. TruePaper is made from at least 95% pure virgin fiber paper, can be recycled in the normal paper cycle and is suitable for direct food contact.

Minimize packaging
Banding with ATS paper bands means using only the necessary packaging. Often the best alternative to conventional and inefficient packaging.

100% recyclable
TruePaper is composed of at least 95% pure virgin fiber paper and can be recycled in the normal paper cycle.

TruePaper sustainable paper strip is suitable for all product types and sizes. TruePaper can be sealed with ultrasonic or heat sealing technology.

Brand with sash
Products wrapped with a paper band stand out visually and tactilely at the point of sale. Its easy opening and return to the recycling stream increases customer satisfaction.

Food safety
ATS printed sleeves are AA grade certified to the BRCGS global packaging materials standard. The raw materials comply, among others, with FDA restrictions.

FSC certificate
TruePaper is also available with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification.

Recycling code 22 (PAP)
The recycling code is used to identify various materials for return to the recycling stream. TruePaper can be marked with recycling code 22 (PAP).

High tensile strength
The tensile strength (seal quality) of TruePaper is comparable to that of conventional polypropylene coated banding paper.

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