Count, stack and bundle 100,000 banknotes per hour
Ats-Tanner Sistemas De Enfajado S.A.

Count, stack and bundle 100,000 banknotes per hour

The new banknotes must be counted, stacked and bundled into units of one hundred. The freshly bundled units are stacked again and combined into units of ten pieces each.



After counting, stacking and bundling, the banknotes must not show any signs of injury such as tears, folds, etc. It goes without saying that the highest precision is required during counting. Around 100,000 banknotes must be processed per hour.

The US-2000 FSB-DBN banding machine from ATS counts the banknotes fully automatically, stacks them and bands them gently around the edges. Two independent systems handle the counting of the banknotes. Counting is monitored by a camera. The bundles of tens are additionally protected with one carton each from below and above and banded again before being ejected from the machine.

Stacks of hundreds are guaranteed to be counted, as counting is electronically monitored simultaneously.
Two ultrasonic sensors guarantee length and double note control.
The banderole can be printed with customer information and currency.
The banknote stacks are additionally protected by inserted boxes.

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