Packaging Test by GENCI

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Do you know if you are affected by the Spanish Packaging standard? Find out in GENCI’s Packaging Test, in less than 10 questions!

Knowing if your company is considered a “Product Producer” according to RD 1055/2022 and, therefore, is affected by the new packaging regulation, can be complicated.

At GENCI, we wanted to help the thousands of companies potentially affected by the packaging regulation in Spain to simplify this task, so we have developed #GENCITestEnvases

The GENCI Packaging Test is a very simple questionnaire that, in less than 10 steps, will help you to understand if your company is affected by the new packaging regulation. You will just have to answer “Yes / No” to each question.

What do you need to know?
1. You can answer the questionnaire as many times as you want. This is important because the same company could have one or more of the business models mentioned at the beginning of the test (manufacturing, marketing, distribution, import…). If your company is affected by RD 1055/2022 in at least one of its business lines, you will have the role of Product Producer for the purposes of the standard. From that moment on, it would be necessary to define on which packaging this consideration applies.

2. In addition, once you reach the final result of the test, you will be able to leave your email and, thus, receive your answers so that you can know whether or not you are affected by the standard, and why.

Don’t wait any longer and enter the GENCI Packaging Test ( to find out if you are affected by the new obligations regarding Packaging Waste in Spain.

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