Eight Spanish packs and packaging, among the world’s packaging elite

With eight awards, Spain is once again among the top ten countries with the most trophies at the WorldStar Awards 2024, the global packaging competition organised annually by the World Packaging Organisation (WPO). This competition has awarded a total of 214 entries from 38 countries, visualising innovation in the global packaging industry as a response to the needs of supply and consumer chains in areas such as sustainability, branding, user experience and food safety, among others.

A total of 435 entries from 41 countries participated in this year’s WorldStar Awards, which had previously won awards in national or continental competitions recognised by the WPO. In the case of Spain, these were the Liderpack Awards organised by the Graphispack Association and the Hispack show at Fira de Barcelona.

The country with the most WorldStar awards was Japan (28), followed by Germany (21), Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) (16), the United States (12), Brazil and Austria (both with 11 each), China, India and the Czech Republic, together with Slovakia (10) and South Korea (9). The Spanish packaging, like last year, remains in eighth place in the ranking of distinctions. The top ten of the ranking is closed by Hungary (6), Lebanon and South Africa (5).

The secretary general of Graphispack Association, Ignasi Cusí, said: “The good results that Spanish packaging usually achieves in this global competition confirm the high level of innovation of the packaging industry in our country and the effort of its companies to respond to the challenges posed by different productive sectors closely linked to sustainability and the supply chain”. For his part, the director of Hispack, Xavier Pascual, stressed: “We highlight the springboard that the Liderpack Awards represent for Spanish companies to access this global competition to show and see their commitment to innovation recognised internationally”.

Spanish winners
The winning Spanish solutions are mostly linked to the logistics and e-commerce categories, standing out for their resistance and sustainability and for the predominance of cardboard as a material.


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